Our firm accepts referrals from attorneys throughout Michigan and across the United States.
The Michigan trial attorneys at the Southeast Michigan law offices of Coppins Law Group, PLLC have developed a distinguished practice focusing on unique legal issues often refused by law firms unwilling or unable to mount these types of complex litigation, including:
Coppins Law Group, PLLC accepts referrals from attorneys in Southeast Michigan, throughout Michigan and across the country seeking a fresh perspective on difficult litigation or who wish to have a client benefit from our comprehensive and practical knowledge of Michigan law and courtroom strategies. An attorney referral reflects as much upon the referring attorney as it does upon our firm. The information on this web site is provided not only to educate potential clients but to illustrate to our legal peers that our goals, methods and client-focus are in keeping with their own high standards of service and results.
At the Metro Detroit law offices of Coppins Law Group, PLLC, our criminal defense trial lawyers have earned a substantial reputation and the grudging admiration of prosecutors and legal adversaries across Michigan. Our approach to cases received from lawyer referrals is based on the needs of individual clients and we firmly believe that an informed client alone is best able to choose the correct course and understand the consequences of those decisions.
If you are an attorney seeking representation for a client in the Michigan courts or desire consultation on current or pending litigation related to police misconduct or criminal defense, please CONTACT the Southeast Michigan law offices of Coppins Law Group, PLLC today for a comprehensive case evaluation and a commitment to exemplary legal services for all clients, at all times.
Are you facing criminal charges, or dealing with family legal issues? Both are sticky situations, so hire a trusted attorney. Call Coppins Law Group!
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 6:00PM
Closed Over The Weekend
We are available 24/7 for emergency calls.